Plans for the future

In the school year 20/21, we successfully applied for the prolonging of our international project of five European countries: Finland, Italy, Germany, Poland and Slovenia.
The project will last two and a half years, and we are from: Kokkola (Finland), which lies along the northern part of the Baltic Lake, the population speaks bilingual - Swedish and Finnish (we are expected to visit Kokkola in November or early December 2021 on the upcoming Biodiversity Day); from Berlin (Germany), the capital of Germany, the district of Lichtenberg (visit in March 2022 on the occasion of the Easter Festival and Water Day); from Warsaw (Poland), the capital of Poland, the school is located in Ursa County (a visit is planned in May 2022 at the Spring Festival and the upcoming Environmental Protection Day), from Piccaretta - Imbriani, Apuglia (Italy), the school is in a small historic town near Bari (visit will take place in April 2023 on Earth Day). In December 2022, at the New Year's Market, Slovenian school will host teachers and students from all five partner schools in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.
In the school year 2020/2021 we plan:
- a five-day initial virtual meeting in Slovenia in December 2020 in cooperation with the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Department of Cybernetics (Dr. Škrabo), and the Biotechnical Faculty (Dr. Lučko Kajfež Bogataj, recipient of the Nobel Prize in the group of scientists),
- four days of activities with activities of students from the field of circular economy,
- joint working meetings of students through the ZOOM or teams platforms with each of the partner schools separately,
- Workshops and education of students participating in the Circular Economy for a Future Society project.
In the coming years, we will carry out planned project activities to lay the foundations for comparing the principles of the circular economy in the school system and the school local environment in different countries. With the classes involved in the project, we will also carry out part of the lessons and experiments in the school curriculum on the topic of circular economics. We will work with the local community, presenting the project activities on the project website and starting with production of online materials by individual countries participating in the project. The online materials will eventually be collected in an online manual entitled 3R Economy: reduce, reuse, and recycle - Circular economy: reduce, reuse, and recycle, on the school website and on the main project website.
In the project we want to learn:
- how important and modern is the topic of environmental protection, the green economy and green industry,
- how to better manage waste by comparing waste management in five different countries,
- how to think and behave ecologically.
In addition to the contemporary theme, we expect plenty of additional experience while getting to know the partner countries, our peers and their culture.